Jai's Photo of Nancy

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Nancy's Spirit Everywhere, Immediately .... Posted by Hari

Dear Friends --
Somehow i was blessed in choosing my time to visit Nancy that I was there in her room and then the household to witness the blessed activity that took place around her last breath.
I was sitting outside when Millard was chanting Native American prayers by Nancy's garden and when Gary lay down bare-chested on the lawn, covering himself with the flowers that had been in Nancy's room recently, and he sang and shouted his release, gratitude and love for Nancy to the heavens.  These are their stories and I leave them to them.
Michael Heumann said that as Millard chanted the wind came up, breaking an amazing stillness that had prevailed all morning (we are talking about 1:30 here).  Michael said he saw the blossoms from the plum trees swirl in the air.  I did not see them but did feel the wind stir and things come to life after all had seemed to hold its breath in deference to Nancy's last.
Here is something I did see.  I left quietly and went to my car on the back parking area, got in and drove off.  As I began to turn from the driveway and make a right on Mill Station, there was a huge presence on my right.  A large Cooper's hawk swept up by my passenger side window -- I saw it in awesome clarity -- and flew up to land on a wire overlooking the front of the La Tierra property.  I often see Cooper's hawks on wires and in trees and always love seeing them -- I have never before had one brush its wing  by my window.
I thought of my son Max who says he sees hawks all the time when he feels some significant resolution or moment.  It is his totem and I thought of him and his love for Nancy and that I would write him of her passing immediately, which I did.
This morning I had breakfast with Diana and Miko and told them about the hawk.  They both said that the Cooper's hawk was Nancy's favorite bird and that I should write this up.  Amazing that Nancy was immediately everywhere, in the wind, in the blossoms and in the hawk.
With love,

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